Get Involved
We believe in the power of joining forces. If you support women in your work, particularly women of colour and women with barriers to resource, please get in touch. Let’s work together.
We rely on the kindness of studios to provide space to run our courses for service-users. If you are a studio space holder, please get in touch.
MFH is a small project run and self-funded through the Founder’s earnings and purchases of the Yoga Assist Tokens. We are in the process of applying for not-for-profit status, but in the meantime, any contribution helps. Please get in touch via the form to help that happen.
You can sponsor a woman to join our public events and fundraisers by paying for their place for any of the public events. Get in touch via the form.
We send the occasional newsletter. Sign up to get the goss on what’s coming up. Please put ‘Newsletter’ in the subject line.
We’d love to hear from you, please use the form.